Good morning, how are you today?
Last week has been a chaotic week for me. From pitching to closing to executing to rushing deadline to getting feedback all happened in one week. This business deal was a website development for my sister’s company. She approached me to build a website for her growing company. She thinks it’s time to have a website. Since earlier on she only manages social media accounts as her business’s home.
I was really happy to help out. One being having my first paid website development project, two being able to support my sister in her entrepreneurship journey. I happily did a quotation (with RM300 discount) for her. Went out for a lunch discussion with her on the quotation & signed the contract on the spot. Also through that meaning where I realize I’m really not a sales person kind of person. I felt exhausted after the meeting, very exhausted. Luckily it was HW that drove me to the meeting, and drove me back home too. I passed out once I stepped into our home.
The following day I gave myself a day off. As a reward, also as a break. Headed to the gym. Went for good food Sukishi.
It was Wednesday that I started grinding on the website. Day and night I’ve been grinding on that website. From Wednesday to Friday, from averagely 2PM to 2AM. If I were to divide my time per hour, it’s only RM13.89 per hour. I started comparing it with my previous salary, where I was earning RM35 per hour. I felt miserable. Yes, being in this current one has a lot of its side benefits, but it just cause me to reflect if it’s the right one. But I managed to convince myself that yes this one is worth it. Because it’s your own business, you don’t need to see your boss’s face.
Not until Sat night when my sister and I sat down during our family dessert time after dinner, I felt miserable. Initially before the discussion, I was extremely satisfied with how the website turned out. I was really proud of myself. I even gotten HW’s validation too. Being a person who has such high standards with herself, I do think that if I say yes, there shouldn’t be anyone who will say no, at least not a big no. A small one with minor changes is ok. Not a big no, not banning my work. During the meeting, my sister has a lot of things she wants to change in the website, including some I once was really proud of. I startled. I felt miserable. I felt like my work is not being appreciated. I felt humiliated.
She was on her computer kept on trying to change the fonts and colours back and forth trying to get the feeling she wanted. Up until 1230AM midnight. Until the shop closes, that’s why we left the shop and drove my sister & brother back to their home.
My emotions weren’t too well at that time. I felt unappreciated. I felt not worthwhile my time and effort. I don’t feel fulfilled. I don’t feel the sense of satisfaction. Probably I am an artist. When people critique my work, I get super angry. And I think it’s just the person who doesn’t know how to appreciate my work, and we are not friends.
We (HW & me) had a conversation about this. We did thought of removing website development from our business services. Letting other service providers to earn this money, not us. We think that our time can be spent on even more valuable stuffs. Our brains are good. We can create even more value than putting all our time & efforts into website development, and waiting to be critique by clients. That’s not what we envision our business nor ourselves to be in.
I think that’s all for last week.
For now let’s start focusing on this week.
This week I will be focusing on my sister’s website revisions, new prospect’s website homepage demo(probably our last website development business), my personal website development (OH YEAH!), and most importantly my AI course learning. This Sunday we will be attending a tech conference. I want to be ready with tech knowledge prior to that conference/networking event.
That’s all for now! See you next week!
Looking forward to next Monday morning to share more about how my week did. And how I navigate this entrepreneurship journey. 😊