Hello all! 🫶
Please allow me to recall a little bit on this trip. As it has been some time passed.
It was last Monday that I woke up in the morning feeling dreadful. Another work day for me.
Woke up, wash face, brush teeth, prepare to start working. Knowing that I have a thousand things to complete. A website demo to rush on.
Suddenly, HW walked up to me and ask if I’m interested to go on a trip. A 2D1N trip. I stunned.
To be honest, the week before, I already mentioned that I feel like going on a trip cause I felt I’m at border line burnout. But considering our financials and schedule, we decided to only go on the trip after we closed our first big deal, which is a meeting held 2 days later. We were both cool about it.
But I think the inside me is still feeling sad. But I suppress my feelings and go on with my life.
That’s why that day when HW asked me out, I stunned. I don’t know what to react. One part of me really worried that we are not prepared enough to close the deal. Another part of me really craves to go to this trip. I don’t care where, I just wanna get out to somewhere. Somewhere I can get clarity and calm myself down from all these anxieties covering me.
And yes, we went…to KKB. Our initial plan was to Fraser’s. When we were scrolling through our accomodation options, we came across an accomodation which is pretty interesting. It’s a container hotel in KKB, surrounded by nature greens.
We booked it without any hesitation.
And this was my view from my hotel bed. I am speechless. I am in love. I love how big the window is. I love how greens my eyes are looking at. I love how the air smell like.
Love the vibes here! Breezy, chill, calming, altogether.
We walked around the garden, and then we KO-ed. Took a nap after that.
Did some journaling and reading as well. Feeling really calm & grounded.
We ordered some pizza delivery that night, and spent our night chilling in the hotel.
The view on the next morning was damn good as well. Greens right into my eyes. Container space, small but cosy.
The room comes with a breakfast for two. Nasi lemak, with unlimited hot drinks and bread.
HW as usual cat lover. Look at his love love eyes looking at the meow.
Have I ever mentioned that I always have a dream to open my own homestay at a breezy place?
In this trip, we met the owners of the container hotel. A nice couple. Seeing how the run the hotel lid up my dream again somehow. Living a chill, but fulfilling life has always been something I desire. I’m grateful to be able to visualize how this life looks like.
After breakfast, we drove an hour up the mountain to visit Fraser’s. I think my last visit here was more than 10 years ago. The place still looks the same. Breezy, chill, calming. Just a little dizzy spinning up & down the mountains.
Had loads of fun paddling at Allan’s Water. Enjoy some cool breezy air.
Talked about our desired life during lunch. Then head back home.
This was a trip to cure my burnout. I appreciate it.
I look forward to more adventures together. Widen my eyesights to the world.