“Delivering what you are expected to is not enough. Only when you deliver more than expected, then… you take credit.”

This was what I was taught when I was back in my corporate days. 4 years of corporate has formed me into that person who would only allow myself to deliver more than expectation, not even as per my expectation. I always see my KPIs not only as my goal to achieve, but my target to conquer.

Yes, it did led me to becoming an achiever, a star, a successful (from the outside) young lady achieving so much despite her age.

However, ever since I started this entrepreneurship journey, life has been different. I realize that my old way (of over-achieving) doesn’t work well anymore. Despite how much I overworked myself, taking that extra miles for my clients, doing extra work, I realize… at most the client will just say “oh thanks”. Do they truly appreciate my hard work? Do I feel that I’ve been appreciated hard enough? Do I just worth a “oh thanks”?

I think it’s me that has formed this habit of wanting validation from everyone (& anyone) during my earlier days. That has caused me to crave for a “THANK YOU!” (a BIGGG and GENUINEEE one!)  from people I think I deserve it from. But at the same time, I know I can’t control what other people gonna say, but this other side of me keeps craving for it. Contradicting mind. It’s like I know the theory, but the practical part just doesn’t turn out like it.

My partner, on the other hand, I think he’s the opposite kind of person than I am. He is cool enough to not care what others’ think of him. He is really confident in himself, and in whatever he does.

I envy his bravery. I envy his ignorance (sometimes). I envy his self-confidence. I envy his arrogance (a little).

I’m glad that I am in this journey with him. I think it’s him that has supported me through my ups & downs. If it wasn’t him, I think I might have broken down…

Slowly navigating my way in life. Slowly, but Surely. <3

With love,
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