Last week was the end of year & start of the year week!

The most magical week! Counting down to an end, and at the same time counting down to the start of a new year <3


Been going to the gym quite consistently recently.

However, still seeing my body bloated and heavy.

OK… I admit, I didn’t put much effort into controlling my diet.

Starting to put more attention on my diet. Starting from today 11/1/2024 onwards.


We went to eat our fav celebratory meal Sukishi to celebrate the year end and the beginning of a new year <3

Always grateful to be able to enjoy such amazing meal with my love one <3

Sukishi = Luxurious Celebratory Meal <3


OMG ~~~ My new keyboard is finally here!!

It’s the VGN N75 <3

I ordered it from Taobao and waited for 3 weeks for it to arrive.

Really blessed that it successfully arrived before my trip to BKK. (More about BKK in next week’s blog)

The colours are AMAZING! ~~

The size I really love it <3

Autumn ~~~ Love ~~~


It’s 2025!!!

A year full of excitement for us!

This year’s goal =

  1. HEALTH (Lose Weight to 65KG)
  2. CAREER (Full Force on BHS)


This little bunch of 四叶草 suddenly one day outgrown from my plants.

I think it’s the dragonfly who gave us the blessing! ~~

It’s so cute! So beautiful! So magical!

How to explain why a 四叶草 will grow out of a normal plant?


With love,
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